Chilling Prediction by Dr Coleman
March 17, 2021International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA
Dr Vernon Coleman is a former GP.
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, has written over 100 books which have sold over two million copies in the UK alone. His UK publishers include: PAN, Penguin, Corgi, Arrow, Star, Mandarin, Macmillan, Century, Thames and Hudson, and Sidgwick and Jackson. His books have been translated into 25 languages and sell in over 50 countries. Vernon Coleman’s books have been serialised in newspapers and magazines all over the world, and many have been turned into television and radio series. (His novel, Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War, was turned into a movie starring Pauline Collins, Peter Capaldi and John Alderton). He was the doctor on British television and the first agony uncle on the BBC.A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors may give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review, alternatively, I may have bought the product myself. However I make no promises to vendors regarding what I write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.